Friday, July 29, 2011

Cupcake Wrappers

Just perusing some other cupcake blogs and sites, I came across these lasercut cupcake wrappers. I think they are beautiful, and obviously make the cupcake become more than just a cupcake. But are they really functional for eating the cupcake?

Spring Lasercut Cupcake Wrapper

I mean, how am I supposed to dig into that delicious, scrumptious cupcake? Which brings me to another question: How do you eat a cupcake? Are you a "peel-and-bite" section by section eater, or a "peel-it-all-away-and-devour" eater? For me, normally, I'm a peel-it-all-away-and-devour eater. I like to peel the entire cupcake wrapper away, revealing the delightful dessert in all its glory. The last time I had a cupcake (Okay, it was plural - cupCAKES), I peeled the wrapper away and separated the lusciously frosted top from the bottom, essentially saving the best for last. (The frosting was really good!) Can I do that with these wrappers that seem to double as works of art? I'm thinking, not really. I'd probably remove the cupcake carefully from the lasercut wrapper, and then proceed to devour!

The lasercut wrappers are truly beautiful, and I can see that they would add just that extra little detail to the presentation of the cupcakes, especially for fancy events like weddings (which we do!).

So, how do you eat a cupcake?


  1. I eat them all different ways. Sometimes straight on, sometimes from the top, other times from the bottom, with wrapper half on, peeled all off, small nibbles, big bites. But they are always best with milk!

  2. That is true! Milk is great with cupcakes.
